Why "Doc?"

So the story of my nickname has to do with a "PhD" I earned in clinical hypnosis from an institution that claimed it was acredited.

It wasn't. At least not by the U.S. department of education

In a way, I was conned. Credentially speaking my PhD ended up standing for "Piled Higher and Deeper."

Yet, I had studied hard and did a dissertation and it was still the best education I could find in clinical hypnosis at the time.

Hypnosis is a fantastic tool for real healing that I am passionate about, have earned LOTS of additional certifications in since and have used to help lots of people succeed in LOTS of different goals for over 20 years.

I stopped using "Dr." and don't list my PhD anywhere anymore but people still insist on calling me "Doc" - so I just embraced it

A Character was Born

I've also entertained as a magician on and off since I was a kid and in 2000 I won the International Brotherhood of Magicians' People's Choice Award for Excellence in Stage Magic. I've been on TV more than a couple of times, performed on an episode with Penn & Teller and basically lived on cruise ships as an entertainer for a decade before I decided to have kids and learn hypnosis.

And after taking a break from performing for a liitle while I started to get the bug again. And the irony of ending up with a real education but a questionable degree in a very REAL and LIFE-CHANGING field that is often mistakenly equated with snake oil...

Well, it wasn't lost on me

That and my penchant for inventing crazy items to puzzle people in escape rooms all came together into a mad science and medicine show.

It's a comedy show with non-stop magic disguised as crazy inventions and impossible elixirs. It lampoons both the turn-of-the-century style character and modern con artists.

I've performed that show at renaissance fairs, colleges and even at medical conferences teaching M.D.'s all about what complimentary treatments out there have real science backing them and what is "snake oil."

It's a lot of fun!

And now I'm ready to perform for YOU!

Give me a call. 804-882-1951 or drop me a line here: imaginologist@gmail.comYou don't have to have 45,000 people or a fortune to book me. We just need a conversation. I'll even wear a mask. Over Zoom. You can't be too careful.


© Larry Volz. All rights reserved